Well its been a long while since I last published something on this blog. It turns out that a lot of things has happened since I have last been on. I don't think that I will list them all here, but I think that a few main highlights should be ok.
Starting, I would like to tell you why I have not been updating this blog. Close to the time of the previous post(That was in August) I was thinking about life and what the future had in store for me. To my mind it looked pretty empty and blah! I didn't have much purpose and worth in my life. So I kinda took a long break to think life over for a while. After a month of thinking and some interesting experience's I made the first big step for the future. I decided that I'm going on a mission. Once decided on what I wanted I set work to make it happen. Turns out that there is a lot of paper to fill out. And there are just more to it then filling paper work. I had to have many exams that took a long time to complete once started.(Heath, Physical, and others.)
Well I'm now done with my paper work and It's now a wait till they are sent in and sent back. (That could be a two weeks to three months of waiting time.) Because of the need to take time to think and to work on preparing for mission, I have been non-available to update such things as my blog. Now that I'm done, I am now open to do such.
Well, Welcome back. Please let us know more info on your mission when it becomes available. I am glad that you are choosing what is best for you. I hope that you continue to make decisions that are best for you and not just for your parents. Hope to talk to you soon, David.
I'm having my Mission Interview with the stake President this Sunday.
Wow this was so long ago! I'm so glad you went!!!!!!! :D You're the bomb.com :D haha!
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