Friday, August 04, 2006
Reunion Follow-up!
Sorry that it has been a while since I updated this sucker. Seams that there has been a lot of things that have kept me busy. Well any ways the reunion was a success! I had a great time with my family. Not very many cousins that I grew up with and where my age seamed to come. Which was sad yet it gave me the chance to better aqaint my self with those that I knew less about. The food was great, as it always is. There were tons of games and lot of heathy and interesting social talk. (For instance: Grandpa and his weird story's of Ailen Saucers and the deep discusions of Religion. Not to mention lot of catching up with each others events in life and where people where.) Like I said before, it was very successful. The best part of it all was that my Dad "was not" all tight and filled with stress which has been with him most of his life. There was not very many worries, and tons of things on his do list, or stress with money ordeals. I'm very happy that he is doing better with life.
Well here is my sum-up of the reunion! I was going to take pics of the wonderful location but it seams that I never felt like pulling out my camera. Guess I'll have to ask my camera crazy uncle to send me some pics. (He is also crazy him self! Some of the things he does in his old age.)
Take care! And enjoy life while its still, "Young".
-No matter how old I get, I will always be Young. -Dave Young (GeckoMan)
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Young Reunion!
It's that time of the year! Summer time is the time where we have the long anticapated Young Reunion. I realy enjoy going to them, we have all kinds of fun. We usely have a huge water fight, eat good food, and sit around and have long chats. Did I mentioned that we have it in the foot-hills of the High Uintas? Well I just did! It wonderful up there! I use to live up there.
Well anyway I had to make this short and sweet because I'm needing to get some sleep. We Youngs here at home are heading to The Basin later today, so you can see why i need it. (Its a long travel it seams.) I'll make sure that I'll write about it when I get back!
Take Care and Enjoy the Week!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
New Blog!
Well now you have it! Enjoy!
-Dave Young (GeckoMan)
(PS. Make sure to let ur friends know about the change.)
Monday, July 03, 2006
Numa Snake!
Numa Numa Snake Sneek Peek's!
The movie is in still being built! But still have short clips on the what the maker has done so far. The clip is in need of finishing the animation it seams. Then touching up would be nice. (I think that it should have some neat effects added to it too.)
Here is a link to the very orignal numa numa song from "O-Zone".
Remember the Numa kid, Gary Brolsma? Ya him! He is the one that started all that "Home made Numa Numa Video", craze. Kinda funny story! he made the video, sent to his friends and his friends sent it every where is seams. Now he is well known all over the world and he never ment it to do such when he frist made it.
Well! Enjoy! And hopfuly I can show you video clips of the numa snake soon.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Blender Nation again!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Cool Game!
Come join the fun! Oh! and come join my guild as well! that is when I build one. (If your ever try the game, then contact me by typing, "/geckoman YOUR MSG" to send a personal message to me while in the game.)
New stuff!
Oh! make sure to download the demo files from the blendernation site. The link should be on the same page.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
This is Good!
One thing I'll say is this. Knowing blender is nice, but how to design and understand art makes everything even better. One that understands art is more vauable then a person that is good with blender but doesn't understand art. Blender is a tool, not a thing to automate Art.
Check out the site and be educated! Have fun!
Monday, June 19, 2006
No more in the dark!
Monday, June 12, 2006
We would love to hear your idea's and encouragment. The site is ("")
Neat River Trip!
On the 7th, me and a bunch of priest and teachers took off at 6:00 am to head out to our river trip. We had been planning this trip for some time now and everyone was excited to be going. Well anyway, we made it to destination and began our run for the day down the river. The first day was warm and the sun had burned many. (You should see my friend Casey. He got burnt badly because his sun-screen keep washing off.) There wasn't much for rapids the first day. And there was a lot of still water. Around six we pulled off to the side and camped.
The next day was greatly anticipated because we would be hitting our first major rapids. We covered our needed miles allot faster then the day before. We also had entered into
The third was the most exciting. That day was the day that we hit the biggest rapids of all. It seams that we there was endless amount of rapids, and the water was moving fast. We also went through the rest of Desolation and finished most of
We finished the rest of the river and pulled out around noon On Saturday. We had a meal at subway close to
Some things that made the trip fun was that I got to be with some good friends. The rapids were great, and the weather was mostly fine. Except for the 2nd and 3rd day around 6:00pm. Seams that we got more wind then anything else. We had tons of water fights on the slow moving water sections. And it seams that even traveling in the vehicles was fun. (I got to finish left over food, listen to Brian Regan, and watch some movies.)
If you asked me the river trip was a great success. And I had a lot of fun. I’m glad that I took the time to take the trip.
It has come and gone!
Thanks for all of you that were a support to me during the school year.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Graduation is here!
We as a school got our yearbooks today as well. It was a night mare! I had to wash walls to get rid of fines so I could have my yearbook. I thought it funny how I'm a grad not to mention without my support there wouldn't be a yearbook. And I was still haveing to pay for yearbook and fines.
There are many other things that have happened durring the weekend. I shall write about them later.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
If your interested in blender, the site location is ("").
And for you guys that my be new to blender, here is a site to wet your growing intrest (""). It is a blender3D news site. And is a pretty good one too. There are at least several new post a day. They also have info and links to good to tutorials. just look to the right of the page.
Look at this Flick!
Graduation is the 5th of June and I can't wait. Soon life will be able to move to bigger and better things.
New Beginings
As of today, I will be posting things based on my work in 3D Arts, and things onf my peronal life.
Most of my findings in things that I find fun to share will probly be put on the blog.
Like mentioned before... welcome!